Thursday, June 21, 2012

Science Fiction Nation Roleplay


Having browsed through the quite extensive list of roleplays on this site, and failing to find quite what I was looking for in doing so I turn to my plan B. If it isn't there, why not make it yourself! To that end, I am looking for people who would be interested in starting a roleplay with me.

My hope is to see a sandbox style nation roleplay in a science fiction setting. Each writer would control their own nation and species and the plot would be created through the interactions of these writer controlled nations. I am not beyond inserting a plot if things start to flounder around too much, but I hope that the inter-writer interactions will be enough to keep things interesting.

The nations can have been in contact with each other prior to the actual start of the story if you so desire, this is a topic on which I am ambivalent, so I'd like your feedback.

I'd like to spend some time discussing this roleplay with interested parties before setting too much down in stone, so I'll leave this post brief. I do have other plans, but I'd like to hear everyone else's feedback first, and then we can combine all of our ideas, or at least work to combine most of them, and hopefully create an amazing roleplay out of the deal.

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